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ITYM "ARV non-adherence is the single largest contributor to drug resistance."

Thanks for a thoughtful and encouraging post.

for me a value is for a long life.

Indeed our dollars for health aid are getting a much better return on investment than most of us realize! Thanks for highlighting the strength and "non-measurable" aspects of the community care model.

An estimated 20,000 participants from more than 185 countries were assembled last week in Vienna for the XVIII International AIDS Conference. I wonder of those 20,000 experts, how many have actual “on-the-ground” expertise? A mapping exercise sponsored by UNICEF identified over 1,800 community-based organizations focused on orphans and vulnerable children in Malawi alone (NOVOC, 2005). Most were linked to local churches, schools, or clinics or were independent groups that assist children by extending support and services into areas that are not reached by government or international agencies. Clearly these are folks whose knowledge and expertise could be invaluable to the multi-billion dollar fight against HIV and AIDS.

You can read more at: http://www.how-matters.org/2010/07/21/the-real-experts/

valuing you life is important :) don't waste time!

Every law has no atom of stregth, as far as no public opinion supports it. (Wendell phillips, American leader against slavery)

wholesale new era hat brain blank, canthus cannot help to the heat of the radiant with tears.

How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults.or resoslution enough to mend them

Beware,beware!he'll cheat'ithout scruple,who can without fear.

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